2003-04-19, 6:10 p.m.

"Bar On The Corner:

I walked in out of the cold

Not sure what I'm looking for

You say I won't find it here

But I can stay if I like

You point out the window

At the city lights

Say now there's a world of wonder

But it looks better from in here

Beautiful behind the glass

Entrapped, perhaps.

Shake your little world, you say

It's what you're best at

I can only say okay

I cannot understand your ways.

The drunken angel in the corner just laughs

She says there's no one worth saving here

I watch you laugh let me take a shot

Isn't truth beautiful? you ask

I walked in out of the cold

Not sure what I'm looking for

You say I won't find it here

But I can stay if I like

Yeah I can stay if I like

And out the window are the city lights

Now there's a world of wonder

but it looks better from here

Beautiful behind the glass

Entrapped, perhaps...


-Ash, April 19, 03